Youngstown YMCA 12 Rounds

YOUNGSTOWN – The Central YMCA is inviting participants to the annual 12 Rounds Fundraising event.

Designed for all fitness levels, the activity will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, June 18, at the DeBartolo Commons of the Southern Park Mall in Boardman.

The 12 Rounds challenge raises funds to change the lives of children and families in the community, according to a press release.

Participants will engage in the high-energy dynamic circuit-training event. The program is a special version of the 12 Rounds program designed by former Golden Gloves boxer Clemate Franklin of Youngstown.

The total body workout, for those ages 10 and older, focuses on agility, flexibility, speed, hand-eye coordination, power and resistance. Fitness level modifications are available and encouraged. Those participating must raise or donate a minimum of $50.

The funds will directly support providing a safe place for kids and teens to belong, build confidence and learn positive behaviors grounded in the core values of the YMCA.

With 12,000 members at three locations in the area, the YMCA of Youngstown’s mission is to put Christian principals into practice through programs which build healthy, spirit, mind and body for all.

Click HERE to register.