WARREN, Ohio — The Raymond John Wean Foundation has awarded nearly $140,000 in grants.

The grants were for programs seeking to promote financial stability, create better opportunities for academic success, and support the collaborative efforts of public and private partnerships, according to thef oundation.

Nearly half of the grant funds awarded — $64,910 — were in support of the second year of We Are Warren, a collaborative initiative created to coordinate and support efforts regarding youth development and family engagement in the community. The Inspiring Minds program received $35,000, the Warren City School District received $25,000 and Eastern Ohio Education Partnership received $4,910.

The school district will work with Eastern Ohio Education Partnership to develop a fully functioning portal site that identifies nonprofits in the city that are performing work related to the educational pipeline. Inspiring Minds, in support of We Are Warren, will partner with the school district to expand programming and opportunities for Warren students in the after-school setting.

The East Side Organizing Project in Cleveland was granted $30,000 in support of its “Senior Financial Empowerment Initiative,” which offers financial workshops and outreach for low-to-moderate income senior citizens.

The Warren school district also was awarded $25,000 to increase the leadership capacity of its building principals, improve the teaching and learning of the district’s youngest learners and establish a system of meaningful data collection .

The Center for Student Progress Summer Bridge program at Youngstown State University was awarded $20,000 over two years to provide information and support to minority students so that they can successfully progress throughout college. The one-week intensive orientation familiarizes participants with academic and social experiences most often encountered by first-year students.

“This support allows the program to enrich its curriculum and prepare students for the rigors of college. It will also help us to build stronger ties to the other educational stakeholders the foundation supports in order to help create a better educated Mahoning Valley,” said Michael Beverly, Summer Bridge program director.