DCW Helps the United Way Lower Health Care Costs

Health care is typically a top three expense for employers and a critical piece of attracting and retaining top talent. The United Way of Youngstown and Mahoning Valley is no different, but as a nonprofit every dollar the organization can save in operations is a dollar that can be reinvested in programs that help the Mahoning Valley.

In this installment of The New Benefits Blueprint, Bob Gearhart Jr. shares how DCW Group has helped the United Way reduce its cost of health insurance, while improving the benefits to its employees.

DCW Group began working with the United Way in 2013.

In January of 2019, the United Way was able to reduce premiums by 38%, or an additional $26,000 in savings. The organization also improved the benefits to its employees by lowering the deductibles for single contracts by $500 and by $1,000 for families.

To achieve similar results, schedule a meeting with DCW Group.

Gearhart Jr. was named Rising Star in Advising by Employee Benefit Advisers magazine, a finalist for Broker of the Year by BenefitsPRO magazine, and has been awarded multiple awards by the Association for Insurance Leadership. He is a nationally recognized speaker on health care and employee benefits frequently appearing on radio, television, and in print to provide expert knowledge concerning the ever-changing landscape surrounding health care in America.

Gearhart Jr. also co-authored the Amazon best selling book “Breaking Through the Status Quo: How Companies Are Changing the Benefits Game to Help Their Employees and Boost Their Bottom Line.” In the book, Gearhart Jr. explains the power of data analytics to inform and guide decisions that can lower health-care costs in group health plans.

In his current role at DCW Group, he and his team relentlessly focus on delivering measurable, repeatable, and predictable reductions in health-care costs for their employer clients while simultaneously improving the benefits for their employees.

DCW Group is an employee benefits and business consulting firm with a goal of making its clients more profitable and productive at their core business, by improving the way they procure health care.

DCW accomplishes this by implementing strategies that create measurable, repeatable and predictable reductions in health-care costs for their employer clients while simultaneously improving the benefits for their employees. Understanding the business models of stakeholders within the health-care supply chain and employee benefits allows DCW Group to eliminate waste, provide transparency and return stakeholder profits to their clients.

Have employee benefits questions? Email Bob Gearhart Jr. at [email protected].

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.