Advertise in the Growth Report

It’s Time for Growth Report 2021!


Every new year, our Growth Report is the number one publication dedicated to the region’s growth and transformation. Growth Report 2021 comes at a time when we’ve been forced to do business differently – and learned that we’re STRONGER together in transformation.

Ready to join more than 200 of your peers as they leverage the most powerful growth marketing platform in our region?

We invite you to advertise in the definitive record of market transformation. And Growth Report is always a keeper…

For more than 30 years, we’ve delivered this one-of-its-kind publication to the market, containing more than 200 positive stories on the growth and transformation of regional companies.

Our readers keep it on hand all year long, which also makes it an amazing platform for advertisers.

From now until Jan. 8, take advantage of our “Early Bird” rates. After Jan. 8, standard rates apply.

SizeEarly Bird Rate (expires Jan. 8)Standard RateSpecial Offer ***
Double Truck$1,875$2,250$1,125 ea.
Full Page$910$1,310$655 ea.
Island$750$880$440 ea.
1/2 Horiz. or Vert.$650$840$420 ea.
1/4 Page Vert.$390$430$215 ea.
1/8 Page Horiz.$250$280$140 ea.
***Upon purchase of an Early Bird ad in the Growth Report, you are eligible for 50% off the Standard Rate when you buy three or more ad placements in 2021. Ads must run before June 30, 2021.

Unlock Special Digital Offer

Double Your Impact! MidPage leaderboard ad for three months at $175/month (30% discount)

Why Fly Early Bird?

The Early Bird offer locks in a marketing program to save you time, money and extra hassle. Early Bird advertisers get the following benefits:

  • Your submitted company story gets priority status for activation online, in emails and on social media.
  • Discounted rates on a full-year marketing program.
  • Learn how to leverage the “PR hit” of Growth Report.

Ad space is limited, so contact our sales team today!

Jan O’Malley
330 227 7129

Ryan Cochran
330 227 7148

Abby Masluk
330 822 4991

Don’t forget to submit your story information about your company! CLICK HERE and follow the guidelines.

Growth Report 2021 ad deadline is Jan. 25

Growth Report 2021 is published Feb. 2