YOUNGSTOWN – City Machine Technologies Inc. looks to raise awareness for skilled trades jobs among children with a new downloadable coloring book and worksheet projects.

The “Gear Up!” coloring book and “My First Resume” worksheet are part of the company’s efforts to encourage kids to explore skilled trades jobs during the annual National Skilled Trades Day. This year, the nationally recognized day, established in 2019 by CMT, will be celebrated May 5.

“Over a year into the pandemic, we have hopefully learned how critically important skilled trades are in our everyday life and why they should be celebrated,” says Claudia Kovach, vice president of City Machine Technologies. “Last year, we were challenged to cut our own hair. We experienced product shortages in stores. We were confined to our homes, waiting for packages to arrive at our doorstep. Barbers, hairdressers, truck drivers, and other workers are essential to our everyday lives. Often, we take these jobs for granted. Last year, we realized how very important they are.”

City Machine Technologies is asking the public to thank skilled trades workers by using the social media hashtag #NationalSkilledTradesDay.

“Thank those truck drivers you see at the gas station for bringing you food. Thank those medical assistants who take your temperature on your way into a medical appointment. Thank the mechanic who repairs your car, so you can get to work,” Kovach says.

For more information on National Skilled Trades Day, go to or contact Kovach at