GROVE CITY, Pa. – Business leader and author Trudy Cathy White will speak at Grove City College at 7 p.m. Feb. 13 in Ketler Auditorium in the Pew Fine Arts Center.

White, the youngest child of Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy and his wife, Jeannette, started out in the family business. She opened Birmingham, Alabama’s second Chick-fil-A restaurant at age 19, making her one of the youngest operators in Chick-fil-A’s history. White and her husband, John, served in international missions for 20 years with the International Mission Board. After completing their work with the IMB, they co-founded Lifeshape and Impact 360 Institute.

White, who remains an ambassador for Chick-fil-A, is also the author of several books, including “Along the Way” and “Climb Every Mountain,” as well as “A Quiet Strength,” a memoir about her mother.

Michelle McFeaters, dean of the School of Business and professor of accounting at Grove City College, said White provides a great example and sound guidance for students through her and her family’s desire to serve others within a Christian and Gospel-focused framing.

“This has meant that they have put their faith and understanding of the Gospel into practice in a variety of ways, both in the for-profit and nonprofit realms,” McFeaters said. “Students will learn about what it takes to live out Christian ethics in the framework of the calling to be salt and light in the world.”

The business and ethics lecture, which is free and open to the public, is part of a series in honor of J. Paul Sticht, a former corporate executive who helmed R. J. Reynolds Industries, Trans World Airlines, Campbell Soup and Federated Department Stores. He died in 2008.