CLEVELAND – Dominion East Ohio awarded grants totaling $18,000 to three local organizations — Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp., Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership and Beatitude House — last week.
The funds were part of the total $110,000 given to 15 northeastern Ohio community organizations by Dominion in its 21st annual Community Impact Awards competition, co-sponsored with Cleveland Magazine. Since 1996, Dominion East Ohio has distributed more than $1.4 million in Community Impact Awards to organizations throughout its service area.
“As we have come to expect, this year’s Community Impact Award honorees devised and executed some very ambitious and creative projects, which really wowed our judges,” notes Jeff Murphy, Dominion East Ohio vice president and general manager. “These projects demonstrate the major role that our region’s non-profit and economic development agencies play in improving their local communities.”
YNDC in Youngstown received $5,000 for its Better Blocks program, an effort to revitalize underutilized sections of two of the city’s primary neighborhood commercial corridors, Mahoning Avenue and Midlothian Boulevard. The project involved neighborhood resident and property owners, businesses and city officials, resulting in building improvements and cleanup of sidewalks and vacant lots.
Beatitude House, which provides transitional housing homeless families in Youngstown, Warren and Ashtabula, received $5,000 for its “Over the Edge for Beatitude House” urban rappelling fundraiser. The two-day event attracted 86 participants, who rappelled down Youngstown’s 18-story Metropolitan Tower, generating more than $160,000 in sponsorship monies and donated services, netting $110,000 in cash donations.
Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership in Warren received $8,000 for its Warren Enriched program, which combined targeted rehabilitation and sales of formerly vacant homes to new owner occupants with demolitions of other derelict buildings. The demolitions freed space for construction of community parks, gardens, arts spaces and public uses.
A panel of community judges chose the winners from among more than 70 entries, submitted by organizations throughout the region. The award recognizes organizations that have made an impact in the community. The Dominion Foundation, philanthropic arm of Dominion Resources Inc., Dominion East Ohio’s parent company, funds the Community Impact grants.
Pictured: Beatitude House received $5,000 for its “Over the Edge” fundraiser.