Brain Gain 2023 Puts Focus on 6 Industries

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Our March edition launches Brain Gain 2023. The mission of this enterprise, beginning its fourth year, is to promote workforce development and create a culture of entrepreneurship.

New for 2023 is aligning this focus to spotlight the many rewarding, local career tracks available to the underserved, underrepresented and future jobseekers in our community; with an emphasis on occupations that do not require a college degree for entry.

We will be looking at good-paying jobs in six industries: manufacturing, health care, technology, transportation, building trades and safety forces.

Business Journal subscribers will see this content in print, online and on video. It will be repurposed and distributed to local classrooms and to clients of local community and workforce development organizations that serve jobseekers of all backgrounds.

Our objectives are to play a role in providing local employers a trained and prepared workforce and to encourage young people to find their futures here – Brain Gain not brain drain. We hope to normalize college-alternative paths to career success and raise the fortunes of the “hidden workforce.”

We begin Brain Gain 2023 with a focus on empowering individuals with disabilities. Companies of all sizes need workers, and there are numerous agencies that can guide companies in hiring disabled individuals.

For 2023, we’ve also formed a “connect network” to distribute original written and video content and repurpose it in relevant, digestible bites to young people, high school students and underserved jobseekers. Content will focus on success stories and raising awareness of training resources and career opportunities.

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.