COLUMBUS, Ohio – The rate of private-sector workplace injuries in Ohio dropped 16.7% between the calendar years 2010 and 2014, nearly twice the rate nationwide, according to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.
Dr. Abe Al-Tarawnech, superintendent of BWC’s Division of Safety and Hygiene, cites a survey of occupational injuries and illnesses conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that found “the rest of the nation experienced a 8.6% drop over the same time period.”
From 2010 through 2014, Ohio’s BWC system saw a drop from 105,568 private-sector workplace injuries to 95,802, a decrease “made more significant considering a 7.5% growth in employment during the period,” the agency said.
Al-Tarawneh’s report, presented at last week’s meeting of the BWC board of directors, also shows an additional 4% drop in injuries in 2015. He said the declines highlight the effectiveness of Ohio’s occupational health and safety programs and services in preventing injuries. The Division of Safety and Hygiene increased the number of employers using one or more of its services by 70 percent between 2009 and 2015, he noted.
“During the past few years, the Division of Safety and Hygiene has significantly improved and expanded its operations,” said Al-Tarawneh. “We have introduced a mix of pioneering programs and services, along with new partnerships with educational institutions on safety research that could impact workplaces across the country. I encourage Ohio employers to take advantage of these services that can help protect their workforce by preventing injuries.”
Source: Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.