SHARON, Pa. – A free career workshop day for Shenango Valley residents in response to several retail chain closings at the Shenango Valley Mall is scheduled for tomorrow.

The Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce will host “Keys to Your Future: Unlock your Career Potential,” along with PA CareerLink of Mercer County, Gannon University Small Business Development Center and Laurel Technical Institute. The session will be held at PA Career Link, 217 W. State St.

The event, which will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., is open to the public and should be helpful for individuals on a traditional job search as well as those who just want to brush up on their job skills.

Career development sessions will cover topics including:

  • Preparing for the interview.
  • Making social media work for you.
  • Balancing your bottom line.
  • Starting a business.
  • Dressing the part.
  • Fitting in – mind and body.