YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Community updates from trustees of Berlin Center and Ellsworth will highlight the June 5 “Good Afternoon, Berlin Center and Ellsworth” luncheon sponsored by the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber. Western Reserve Local Schools Superintendent Jeffrey Zatchok will make a presentation as well.
Berlin Center Trustee Denny Furman and Ellsworth Trustee Bob Toman will give updates on their respective communities during the event, to be held at Mastropietro Winery in Berlin Center.
Those attending may tour the winery, learn about wine-making and taste samples following the presentations.
Registration and lunch is scheduled for 11:15 a.m. to noon, and the program will conclude at 1 p.m. The cost is $20 per person. Advance reservations are required by calling Amy Young at 330 744 2131, ext. 12.