COLUMBIANA, Ohio – The Columbiana Area Chamber of Commerce will honor six businesses and six residents at its 63rd annual awards banquet Feb. 28.

The businesses winning awards are Crown Theater Productions for Outstanding Community Service and Humtown Products for Business of the Year. The chamber’s business development committee will present awards to Birdfish Brewing Co. and All Good Things Natural Market for adaptive reuse and upgrading, Reichard Industries for business expansion and Town Center at Firestone Farms for planned development.

Also receiving awards are Madison Ewing for Young Citizen of the year, Chris Davis for Businessperson of the Year, Ashley Orr for the Special Recognition Award, Vylee Garstick and Lowell Scholneger for Lifetime of Service Awards. The development committee will present Kim Starr with their entrepreneur/ developer award.

Milestone awards will be given to First Presbyterian Church, Universal Percussion, Municipal Signs & Sales, Yurhcyk & Davis CPAs and the Columbiana Area Safety Council.

Tickets for the dinner, which starts at 5:30 p.m., at The Links at Firestone Farms Banquet Center are $25 and can be bought on the chamber’s website,, or by calling the office at 330 482 3822 between 9 a.m. and noon. The deadline to buy tickets is Feb. 19.

Pictured: Columbiana Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet sponsors Derrick Hart, Rick Clark, Jean Cusick, Sean Carney, Tara Muntean, Geri Polas, Lisa Wallace, Tom Bowes and George David.