BOARDMAN, Ohio – Sales topped $2,200 at the Dec. 7 opening reception for the Davis Family YMCA’s third annual Five Squared benefit art show and sale.

This year’s show at the McClurg Road branch features 5-inch-by-5-inch works donated by more than 200 local, national and international artists, including pieces from disabled children at a Russian orphanage. Hundreds of pieces are still available for purchase at the show, which runs through March 7.

Seven larger works of art, donated by Al Bright, Nancy Hawkins, Jim O’Malley, Paula Smith, Gary Taneri and Don Wright, are being offered by silent auction, with bids closing at 5 p.m. Feb. 21.

Some of the works available can be viewed at the art show’s Blogspot or Facebook pages.

The exhibit and silent auction are free and open to the community. Proceeds from the event fund the Y’s Art Outreach program, providing art classes to under-served children in the community.

For additional information, call  330 480 5656 or email Suzanne Gray at