The EGCC Paralegal Program is designed to prepare students for employment in a law environment in both public and private sectors. The paralegal graduate will be performing legal preparations, such as closings, hearings, trials, and corporate meetings. Other duties include the gathering of relevant facts of cases, identifying appropriate laws and decisions, organizing information, and preparing legal arguments. Paralegals work in government agencies, law firms, corporations, real estate firms, as well as non-profit organizations. The demand for paralegal professionals is expected to increase by more than 50% over the next ten years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The paralegal degree program at Eastern Gateway Community College is open to any high school graduate or any person who has earned a GED certificate.

Upon successful completion of the degree in paralegal, the graduate will be able to:

• Apply their knowledge in rendering direct assistance to attorneys, law offices, judges, the government, corporations, insurance companies, banking institutions, and real estate offices.
• Be proficient in the areas of preparing legal drafts and documents.
• Explain the concept of paralegal ethics and law office procedure.
• Be proficient in areas of legal research, drafting and writing.
• Use a combination of the Internet and internal and external library sources

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