YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Five family medicine physicians graduated today from the Family Medicine Residency Program at Mercy Health-Youngstown.
Four of the five will remain the Mahoning Valley to provide care for individuals and families, helping to fill the need for the next generation of doctors, says Dr. Thomas Macabobby, program director.
“Not only is there a need across the nation, but here at home, our focus remains on those we serve right here,” he says. “There isn’t a better way to help sustain the future of health care in our Valley then to grow physicians here in the Valley,”
The American Association of Medical Colleges reports that nearly 30% of physicians in Ohio are over the age of 60 and locally, he notes. The average age of physicians in the Mahoning Valley is 58.
“It is often that where physicians are trained, is where they stay,” Macabobby says.
Today’s graduation ceremony was the third that Mercy Health has hosted since its family medicine residency program began nearly seven years.
Currently in training at St. Elizabeth Boardman Hospital are 44 residents who are specializing in family medicine, emergency medicine and otolaryngology, according to Mercy Health-Youngstown.
Pictured at top: Graduating today from the Family Medicine Residency Program at Mercy-Health Youngstown are Dr. Benjamin Brocker, Dr. Stephen Teneyck, Dr. Brittany Bobovnyik, Dr. Stephen Predebon, Dr. Dhurba Dhungana.