COLUMBUS, Ohio – Downtown Girard will be getting a facelift after a $300,000 grant from the Ohio Development Services Agency.

The grant, awarded to Trumbull County, will help pay for 57 rehabilitation projects, including code violation corrections and façade renovations in the city’s central business district, along with street resurfacing and sewer improvements. The county will assist in completing the projects.

Niles was also awarded a $224,000 grant to improve storm drains along Gypsy Lane by installing 2,410 feet of storm sewers and 35 catch basins. The project is estimated to benefit 64 people.

In total, the state agency awarded more than $9 million in grants to 34 cities and counties through the Community Development Critical Infrastructure, Downtown Revitalization, and Neighborhood Revitalization Competitive Set-Aside programs.

Photo courtesy of Metro Monthly.