GROVE CITY, Pa. – Grove City College’s chapter of the Society of Physics Students has again been recognized as an Outstanding Chapter by the society’s national office.
The award is given to less than 10% of all chapters at colleges and universities across its international footprint. Chapters are evaluated on their interaction with the community around campus, the professional physics community and with national Society of Physics Students programs.
“Our officers do a fantastic job of organizing a mix of professional development, outreach and social activities, imbuing our Physics Club with positive energy and a welcoming atmosphere,” said physics professor and chapter adviser DJ Wagner in a statement. “Our historian Marc Ebiri and president Keith Dabroski compiled descriptions and photographs of those activities into a quality chapter report, continuing our decades-long tradition of being honored as an Outstanding Chapter.”
While COVID-19 prevented the chapter from hosting the annual Physics Day for local students, the Physics Club did put together some supplies and an activity packet for children in Uganda, partnering with the locally-run S.H.O.W. ministry. They also help out local residents with yard work and other tasks in the annual Rent-a-Student fundraiser.
Prior to the pandemic, the club took 20 students to PhysCon 2019, a national meeting of 1,200 phsyics students, making them one of the largest groups to attend. Three students won SPS Reporter Awards and wrote an article about the experience for SPS Publications. Brian Ross won Best in Show at the Physics Phine Art Contest.
Fifteen of the students presented posters about their research. Through student fundraising, alumni donations, and support from Grove City College’s Swezey Fund for Scientific Research and Instrumentation, the Physics Club was able to fully fund the trip for all attendees, making sure that any interested student could attend, regardless of personal finances.
Pictured: The Grove City College chapter of the Society of Physics Students at PhysCon 2019.