HUBBARD TOWNSHIP, Ohio – The public is invited to share their ideas for how Hubbard Township should develop during a meeting set for 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16 t at the Hubbard High School Cafeteria, 350 Hall Ave.

The session is part of the process, which is in its early stages, to create a comprehensive plan for the township. Hubbard officials contracted with the Trumbull County Planning Commission to produce an update to the township’s 2003 comprehensive plan.

The planning commission also is working on comprehensive plans for the city of Girard and Braceville and Farmington townships.

“The community survey is an integral part of the plan. The future-uses portion of the plan will incorporate the suggested residential and economic developmental views of the residents,” said Jeff Rowlands, chairman of the comprehensive plan committee. The committee, composed of residents and business owners, was created to help guide the process.

“Planning for the needs of a community, instead of reacting to them, can eliminate chronic problems, save tax dollars, and reduce duplication of services,” said Trish Nuskievicz, the county planning commission’s executive director. “The Planning Commission makes it a priority to offer contractual comprehensive planning services to all Trumbull County communities.”