CORTLAND, Ohio – Bring your appetite to the Cortland Street Fair’s Main Stage for a pizzelle ice cream sandwich eating contest at 6 p.m. June 23.

Contestants will race to see who can finish five sandwiches in the fastest time. Winner takes home a trophy, a year supply of pizzelles from Just Pizzelles, 204 W. Main St., (one baker’s dozen pack per month for 12 months), and a half year supply of ice cream treats from Cortland Dairy Queen (one box of treats per month for 6 months).

Just Pizzelles will also sponsor a food drive at the fair. To donate non-perishable goods or make a donation for Cortland Area Cares Food Pantry stop by the Just Pizzelles’ booth during the fair weekend June 22 to June 24. Anyone who donates will be entered into a contest to win a prize.

There is a $5 registration fee to participate in the contest and all proceeds will be donated to Cortland Area Cares Food Pantry. Deadline to register is 7 p.m. on June 22. To register, call Just Pizzelles at 330 638 8707.