NEW CASTLE, Pa. – Beth Caldwell will deliver the keynote address at the annual Lawrence County Women’s Conference March 12 at Westminster College, New Wilmington.

Caldwell, a motivational speaker and author, is an instructor at the Steve Harvey Success Institute where she teaches business and life strategies. She also is founder of Pittsburgh Professional Women and the Leadership Academy for Women.

The program begins at 9 a.m. Throughout the day, women will have access to topics of discussion and a panel of four women will offer expert advice on how to but a residence, family law, personal finances financial advice and how to select a contractor for home repairs.

The $25 per-person fee includes a light breakfast, chicken and pasta lunch, snacks, a women’s leadership and training certificate, sessions from leading industry professionals, exclusive vendor shopping, a shopping tote, gift and unlimited networking opportunities.

“We anticipate 150 women in attendance this year, which will be our highest attendance to date,” said Gayle Young, co-chairwoman and executive director of the United Way of Lawrence County.

The conference was started in 2007 and is part of the United Way of Lawrence County’s Women’s Initiative.

Registration, breakfast, networking and shopping begin at 8 a.m. The conference itself runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the McKelvey Campus Center. To learn more, call United Way of Lawrence County at 724 658 8528 or visit