LinkedIn 101 | How to Grow Relationships and Revenue at Scale

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — With approximately 180,316 LinkedIn members in the five-county region, it is “finally emerging in our region as the go-to social media platform for businesses to build relationships at scale,” said Jeff Herrmann, chief revenue officer of The Business Journal.

As part of The Business Journal’s Rally Around Small Business campaign, Herrmann joined Jeremy Lydic, co-host and content manager for The Business Journal, for a webinar on how to use LinkedIn as a growth platform for business. It’s the first of two webinars special to the Rally campaign.

While the perception is that LinkedIn is only for job seekers and career development, Herrmann said it also serves as a public record of knowledge and expertise. This helps business and sales professionals address some universal challenges, he said.

“The key questions are how do we break the ice, how do we build trust and credibility and how do we become a trusted adviser?” Herrmann said. “When it call comes out in the wash, those are the three keys to building a business.”

In the webinar, Herrmann and Lydic break down key ways on how to leverage LinkedIn to one’s advantage and some best practices to keep in mind.

Watch the video above and be sure to register for the second webinar in the series, Grow Your Business with Google My Business, scheduled for May 30. CLICK HERE to register.

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.