One of the factors that impact your organic search engine placement is your site’s reputation.

In this edition of Web Dev 101, Joe Jorgenson, president at Robin Technologies in Akron asks, “How many other high-quality, highly-ranked websites link to yours?”

“Traditional link building has fallen out of most SEO firm’s routines,” he says. “But local listing management is still an important element.”

Local listing management focuses on sites, such as Yelp, Yellow Pages or Google My Business. It’s possible to find a list of these indexes and create an account with each then update your information consistently to make sure it’s accurate.

“That would take a great deal of time and not all of the top-ranked ones have user portals,” Jorgenson says.

A solution to this problem is, which has connections with 160 of the top indexing services allowing you to provide accurate information in one place that will pass it along to all of its partners.

For more, watch the video above.

Jorgenson, president at Robin Technologies, has over 18 years of web development experience and has been an A+ certified hardware technician since 1997. During his time at Robintek, Jorgenson has managed hundreds of clients; assisting them with effective marketing strategies and finding more efficient ways to manger their business through the use of technology.

Robin Technologies is a family-owned web development, multimedia and technology company with offices located in Worthington and Akron, Ohio. In business since 1998, Robintek is the primary web developer for over 500 Ohio Companies and has done work for many more. Robintek works with clients to identify and define the needs of their business and apply web based business solutions through content management systems, marketing, e-commerce, custom programming, event registration, and contact lead management. For more information visit or contact us at