CANFIELD, Ohio — The culinary program at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center has been selected by the National Center for Hospitality Studies at Sullivan University as one of the nation’s “Elite 50” culinary programs.
It’s the third year the school has earned the designation from Sullivan University, a private school based in Louisville, Ky.
Sullivan describes its Elite 50 as an “exclusive group of high schools and career and technical schools from across the country that excel in the areas of culinary arts, baking and pastry arts, and/ or hospitality management. Research was conducted to establish schools with strong hospitality enrollment and influence in their community,” states the award announcement.
Students were responsible for submitting an original recipe with photos or a restaurant management design, two essays, videos, brochures and any additional information about their school’s program. Further consideration was given to schools that operated a restaurant as part of the training.
“We are thrilled to have our culinary program set such a high standard for the third year in a row,” said chef Matt Putzier, a graduate of Sullivan University and instructor at MCCTC. “This award is a great way to showcase all of my student’s hard work and dedication.”
Pictured: Seniors in the program. First row, from left: Ariah Spann, Sebastian Looymans, Madison Lunger, Melissa Ramirez, Marsadies Brodzenski, Erica Shirilla. Middle row: Skylar Cato, Dante Johns, Christopher Sutak, April Agee, Jessica McAndrew, Kaitlynn Piron(Fitch), Justina Virostek, Genesis Kirkland. Back row: Philip Ritchie, Richard Mozingo, Hunter Houchen.