GAITHERSBURG, Md. — Brian Kolenich, executive director of Park Vista Retirement Community, Youngstown, Ohio, has been named to the board of examiners for the 2015 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award.

The award, named in honor of the 26th U.S. secretary of commerce and a former businessman who encouraged excellence, is the nation’s highest honor for organizational innovation and performance excellence.

Kolenich has served on the Baldridge Board of Examiners as an alumni examiner since 2012. In addition, he served as an examiner and then senior examiner from 2003 through 2008.

The examiners review and evaluate applications submitted for the Baldrige Award. The board is composed of more than 350 experts competitively selected from industry, professional, trade, education, health care and nonprofit (including government) organizations from across the United States.

The Baldrige Award, established by Congress in 1987, is given annually to organizations in six categories: manufacturing, service, small business, education, health care and nonprofit.

Park Vista of Youngstown is one of 112 retirement communities owned and operated by OPRS Communities, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services headquartered in Columbus. Each year, OPRS serves more than 95,000 people in 41 counties.

Pictured: Brian Kolenich.