SHARON, Pa. – Penn-Northwest Development Corp. will host its annual meeting at noon Nov. 15 at the Avalon Golf & Country Club in Hermitage, Pa.

At the meeting, the development agency will honor the recipients of its Economic Impact Awards, as well as the winners of the Improvement Movement Team Champion Awards, given to individuals who have “gone above and beyond throughout the year for the economic development program of Mercer County.”

In addition, Penn-Northwest will celebrate Thompson Fabricating, which this year marks its 25th in business. Penn-Northwest was among the agencies that provided assistance to founders Jeff and Marcia Thompson when the business started in 1993.

Penn-Northwest will also present its Lifetime Achievement Award to Robert Jazwinski, president and founder of JFS Wealth Advisors in Hermitage. He currently serves as a investment committee chairman and trustee at Westminster College, director emeritus of the Community Foundation of Western Pennsylvania & Eastern Ohio, treasurer of the F.H. Buhl Farm Trust and founder, director and president of the Community Hope Investment Partnership, which last year opened a spec building at LindenPointe last year

Attorney Timothy Wachter of Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett will give a presentation on the development of federal Opportunity Zones, created last year to encourage development in rural and low-income urban communities.

Reservations for the annual meeting are required. For more information, call Penn-Northwest at 724 662 3705.