WARREN, Ohio – How 20 students from The New School in New York City re-imagine the city will go on display May 26 at the Trumbull Art Gallery, 158 N. Park Ave. The exhibit, which will run through June 11, is titled “The Integral City: Reimagining Warren.”

It results from the students’ collaboration with the Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership and The Robins Project during the spring semester to develop visions for the Garden District, the neighborhood north of downtown, and for the Robins Theater foyer space.

Students visited Warren in February to meet with residents and the staff of TNP and volunteers spearheading The Robins Project. A community meeting held at the YWCA helped to inform their semester’s work.The intention of the display is to inspire residents and community leaders to consider implementing the students’ ideas, or use them as a springboard to envision other actions for change.

The Integral City is a concept pioneered by The New School, where economic and urban vitality projects are spurred by community engagement and participatory research methods. Students and professors from the Parsons School of Design Strategies and Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy work together to propose design interventions and recommend community development finance opportunities to implement projects.

Pictured: Graphic from announcement of the upcoming display.