SALEM, Ohio – Salem Regional Medical Center has been recognized as a high-quality breast center through the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, an accreditation program by the American College of Surgeons.
Salem Regional’s breast program obtained accreditation based on the delivery of comprehensive care, including a full range of state-of-the-art services; a multidisciplinary team approach to coordinate the best treatment options; and increasing access to ongoing clinical trials and new advancements in treatment.
“Becoming an NAPBC-accredited center means that SRMC meets the highest standard of care,” said Dr. Anita Hackstedde, president and CEO of Salem Regional. “We are pleased to provide this comprehensive level of breast cancer care locally so that our patients do not need to leave our community for specialized treatment.”
She said that as an NAPCB-accredited center, patients can be confident in knowing their breast care team consists of health care professionals from a variety of disciplines committed to working together throughout their treatment. Additionally, patients receive the latest information on clinical trials, the latest treatment options, genetic counseling and patient-centered services such as psychosocial support, rehabilitation services and survivorship care.
The University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center at Salem Regional is also accredited by the Commission on Cancer, and the hospital has achieved accreditation by the American College of Radiology as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence.
Aiding in getting the most accurate diagnosis is the latest, most advanced 3D breast imaging technology, according to Dr. Peter L. Apicella, Salem Regional’s Medical Imaging chair, who says the Breast Imaging Center of Excellence Award goes to those centers that achieve excellence in the areas of 3D mammography, stereotactic breast biopsy, MRI biopsy and breast ultrasound, including ultrasound guided breast biopsy.
“SRMC has been recognized among the best with regards to the use of comprehensive breast imaging for diagnosing and treating breast conditions, from breast lumps to breast cancer to fibrocystic breast changes and beyond,” Apicella said.
Another part of the team, Salem Regional’s Nurse Navigation program, assists patients from the first abnormal mammogram through treatment and up to their survivorship visit.
“The treatment of breast disease is complex, and optimal outcomes require input from a highly skilled team of specialists,” said Dr. Linda Camp, plastic and reconstructive surgeon and Salem Regional’s breast program director. “That is why this accreditation is so important. It demonstrates that our physicians and staff provide world-class care for our patients with breast disease and breast cancer, with access to clinical trials and new treatment advances.”