TRANSFER, Pa. — Shenango Valley residents will get the chance to observe and learn more about bald eagles during the second annual “Eagle Fest,” at Shenango River Lake.
The event is being held by the Shenango River Watchers and will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 8 at the Chestnut Run Swim Beach at 500 Saranac Drive.
During that time attendees can observe the eagles, which have made several nests around the lake.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission will begin the morning with a presentation, followed by two presentations by the Tamarack Wildlife Center, which will feature live ambassador birds.
Maps will be provided for those wishing to take a self-guided tour. Park rangers will be on hand to answer questions and help locate bald eagles. They will hold stations at the Route 18 Access Area, Mercer Recreation Area and Shenango Recreation Area boat launch.
For more information contact the Shenango ranger station at 724-646-1124.