SHARON, Pa. – Sharon Regional Health System plans to raze the former St. Joseph School directly east of the hospital to make room for future expansion, officials announced Friday.

“We look forward to moving forward with the preparation of the former St. Joseph School property for the future growth of Sharon Regional,” CEO Jason N. Roeback said in a statement. “We’re now in the process of reviewing a number of options for that property that will support our goal to provide patients access to the most needed medical services and technology.”

Demolition is expected to begin in the next several weeks and should be completed by December, the hospital said. The project opens up nearly four acres for development and expansion of the health-care system.

Sharon Regional acquired the property from the Diocese of Erie in 2013. The original school was constructed in 1890, with expansions added in 1930 and 1954.

Since 2014, Sharon Regional has invested more than $3 million in capital improvements and new equipment in patient care areas, the announcement noted. The investments include new beds in the transitional care and inpatient rehabilitation units, new medication scanners for nursing units to increases safety and dosage accuracy, and a video tower upgrade so surgeons can view clearer images during procedures.

Sharon Regional has also completed a strategic planning process to identify areas for growth, opportunities for recruiting additional primary care physicians and specialists, and additional targets for capital improvements.

The hospital system, formerly operated as an independent nonprofit, was purchased in April 2014 by Community Health Systems Inc. of Tennessee.