SHARON, Pa., — The Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce will hold its 11th annual Phoenix Awards May 21 at The Corinthian here.

Businesses and organizations will be recognized in seven categories at the event, which will also feature recognition for Leadership Shenango.

The event will begin with heavy hors d’oeuvres and desserts at 11:30 a.m., followed by the awards program at 12:15 p.m.

Cost to attend the event is $35 and the deadline for reservations is today. Reservations can be made by calling 724 981 5880.

This year’s Phoenix Awards honorees are:

  • Elements Salon & Spa (New Business Startup)
  • Thyme in Your Kitchen (Entrepreneur)
  • Autosoft Inc. (Innovation)
  • Donna’s Diner (Growth – Small Service)
  • Juniper village at the Shenango Inn (Growth – Large Service)
  • Prince of Peace (Non-Profit/Service Organization)
  • Reinhardt’s Agency – Beautification (Community Pride)

Pictured: Donna’s Diner is among the Phoenix Awards honorees.