TBEIC energy and power systems testing lab

WARREN, Ohio — Next month, the Tech Belt Energy Innovation Center, or TBEIC, will celebrate the grand opening of its new energy and power systems testing lab.

The banquet is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 18 from 4 to 8 p.m. and includes a keynote presentation by Matt Peterson, CEO of the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator. Attendees can tour the new lab, learn about TBEIC’s new resources and see equipment demos.

In addition, the event features a diverse panel on innovation and business trends, presentations from TBEIC startup companies and networking opportunities with entrepreneurs, investors, elected officials and representatives from area universities and national cleantech programs.

Tickets are $50 and include dinner and one drink. They can be purchased at www.eventbrite.com/e/grand-opening-gala-tech-belt-labs-tickets-48250131442. For group tables or sponsorship opportunities, contact Courtney Gras at courtney@tbeic.org or call 216 543 6066.