CHAMPION TOWNSHIP – The Trumbull County Career and Technical Center will expand its educational opportunities for students of all ages in 2020, including a summer camp for middle school students and new equipment in its Youth Exploring Transition Lab.

Funded by a $20,000 grant from the Arconic Foundation, the lab will purchase welding and blood pressure simulators and electrical wiring boards, adding to the biomedical and engineering kits already used in the lab.

“The funds from this grant will support TCTC’s ongoing efforts to engage younger students, especially those in eighth grade, with exploring in-demand careers as a means for planning their futures and answering the question ‘What’s Your E?’ ” says multimedia instructor Kristofer Doran, referring to enrolled, enlisted or employed after graduation. 

The technical center also received a grant from the Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs Foundation to add a second week of its summer camp for students in grades seven to nine. 

Apple recognized TCTC as a Distinguished Apple School, which honors centers that show innovative uses of technology in their curriculum.

Last school year, TCTC launched a live-streamed show, “Career Corner,” aimed at kids in Trumbull County. It provides information to middle and high school students.