HARRISBURG, Pa. –Team Pennsylvania has named Karen Winner Sed, CEO of Sharon-based Winner International and the Winner Companies, as board member emeritus. The recognition was bestowed last month by Gov. Tom Wolf during a reception that honored two other directors of the foundation.
Team Pennsylvania is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that describes its mission as working to connect private and public sector leaders to facilitate economic development across the commonwealth.
Winner Sed’s father, the late James E Winner Jr., was a member of Team Pennsylvania’s original board of directors.
Winner Sed, joined Team Pennsylvania’s board in 2004. She served as co-chairwoman of the organization alongside Govs. Ed Rendell and Tom Corbett from 2009 to 2012, according to a news release from Team Pennsylvania. She served in additional capacities as the chairwoman for the nominating/development and personnel committees.
“We should all aspire to have the dedication to community and the commonwealth that Karen exhibits every day,” said Ryan C. Unger, president and CEO of Team Pennsylvania, in a statement. “Her steady leadership through multiple transitions has been invaluable to our organization and we look forward to continuing to work with her as a board member emeritus.”
Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger, CEO of Palmyra-based ASK Foods Inc., was also honored at the event, as was Thomas Hagen of Custom Group Industries, based in Erie. Hagen was a founding member of Team Pennsylvania and the first board member to receive emeritus status.
Pictured: Karen Winner Sed, Gov. Tom Wolf and Wendie DiMatteo Holsinger.