TEDxYoungstown – Eric Hodgdon

Eric Hodgdon will be speaking at TEDxYoungstown on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Deyor Performing Arts Center to share his story about losing his daughter, Zoi, to suicide and how he was able to move past survival mode.

In the midst of a custody battle, Hodgdon’s fifteen-year-old daughter, Zoi, took her own life. He struggled with this tragedy but found a way to fight for himself, his family and all Zoi’s friends so they could find a pathway back to better days.

Hodgdon hopes to share his experience with the audience and enlighten them on why survival mode is not the right thing to aim for when coming back from any major loss of life.

“It’s not just surviving through life. It’s finding a way to come out of that shell, come out of that funk that you may be in, and live fully expressed,” said Hodgdon.

One part of Hodgdon’s TEDxYoungstown presentation will be helping his audience find a new path to live life after losing a loved one. Hodgdon says he is going to give the audience the tools necessary to walk away from a survival setting and continue living their lives.

It was Zoi’s friends that helped him move past survival mode and realize how much of an impact Zoi had on other people’s lives. He hopes to impart this type of mindset onto the audience.

Hodgdon says that in life, we face things that will knock us down. We already have what is inside of us to handle it. We may need to unlock it. He says he wants people to know that there is life after death and that there is more to life than only surviving.

A resilience coach, author and speaker, Hodgdon offers many resources to help the mind, body and soul.

To find out more about Eric Hodgdon and his story, you can visit his website https://erichodgdon.com/ or read his book, “A Sherpa Named Zoi,” available on Amazon.

Eric Hodgdon trains resilience leaders (and others who are stuck in struggle) to rise above the noise, see the beauty in life and thrive. He became a warrior for resilience in memory of his dynamic daughter, Zoi, after losing her to suicide in 2014. Eric is also a speaker, best-selling author, coach and podcaster. He lives in the Boston area with his rescue dog, Bean.