Thursday Deadline to Submit Growth Report Stories

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — There is only one more day to submit company stories for The Business Journal’s Growth Report 2018.

Of all the issues that The Business Journal publishes each year, the Growth Report is the one that serves as a year-round reference guide to local businesses. With more than 200 company-submitted stories of challenges met and obstacles overcome, the Growth Report gives readers a glimpse into who is strengthening their business and how they’re doing it.

All stories must be sent to by the close of business on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018. There is no charge to be featured and all stories will be edited to comply with journalistic standards. Copy slanted toward advertising will be deleted. Click here for guidelines.

Advertisers will also enjoy year-round exposure in Growth Report 2018, reaching more than 45,000 readers, including our region’s top decision-makers, who refer back to the 130-page issue throughout the year.

“If there is a product or service that our high-income business readers need to know about, now is the time to position your company front and center to that audience,” says The Business Journal’s publisher, Andrea Wood. “The affordability of our marketing opportunities coupled with the year-long exposure makes the Growth Report a high-value advertising opportunity.”

The advertising deadline is Monday, Jan. 22. Due to strong demand, ad sizes are limited and  space will sell out. Click here for ad prices and how to contact our sales .

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.