Warren, Ohio – The Trumbull Memorial Health Foundation this week awarded  more than $84,000 in grants for local health initiatives, including therapy for children with severe disabilities and referral assistance for individuals with special needs.

“These grants recognize the harsh challenges facing those with severe disabilities and limited resources,” said foundation chairman Patrick W. Wilson, an attorney with Harrington, Hoppe & Mitchell.

The Children’s Rehabilitation Center in Howland received $30,000, the foundation’s largest grant in this round. Since 1998, the center has maintained a “Children With Courage” Fund for low-income individuals to cover therapy expenses beyond what is paid by private and public insurance.

The grant funds will be applied first to services for children with the most severe diagnoses, followed by those for other patients with limited resources. The special fund has become more important in recent years as funding from the United Way and other traditional sources has been curtailed, the center said in its grant application.

Meanwhile, the foundation approved $18,500 for Help Hotline Crisis Center to expand a “special navigator” program that helps individuals with special needs and their families locate and access help. The grant will  extend a database of services and contacts for mental health counseling, educational resources, transportation, fitness, medication, therapy and other services, all through a Help Hotline professional hired last year with the support of a previous TMHF grant.

The foundation also announced grants to these organizations for health-related initiatives:

  • Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership, $10,000 to double the buying power of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds spent at local farmers markets.
  • Homes for Kids and Child and Family Solutions, $8,450 for classroom presentations and counseling sessions aimed at reducing violence in schools.
  • Antonine Sisters Adult Day Care, $7,500 for transporting participating adults to and from the North Jackson center.
  • Youngstown Area Goodwill Industries, $5,000 to screen pre-school students for vision problems.
  • Compass Family and Community Services, $5,000 for the Teen Institute, a program to prevent drug and alcohol abuse among teenagers.

The Trumbull Memorial Health Foundation provides grants to initiatives that advance the health of Trumbull County residents, as well as scholarships to future healthcare professionals. With assets of more than $13 million, the foundation is the successor to the Trumbull Memorial Hospital Foundation, which was created by the hospital in 1976. Since 2012, the foundation has operated separately from the hospital as an affiliate of the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley.