Trumbull United Way Honors Supporters at Annual Lunch

WARREN, Ohio – The United Way of Trumbull County held its 95th Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon May 17 at The Avalon Inn, honoring its supporters and providing donors with an update on its programs throughout the county.

Among the programs organized by the Untied Way in 2017 were the Ready, Set, Go! summer literacy initiative that expanded last year into Howland School District, the ABC Reading Ready program, Dr. Seuss Day that in 2017 was held in 242 classrooms and the Partnership for Financial Empowerment.

The organization was also awarded the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency and, through a partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, opened food pantries in Warren Harding High School and Willard and Jefferson PK-8 schools.

For the coming year, the Trumbull United Way will launch its new strategic plan, announce the results of a community-wide survey and expand its Reading Great by 8 literacy program into up to six new school districts.

Also at the meeting, the Give Award for 100% employee participation in giving programs was presented to the General Motors Lordstown Complex, Trumbull County Probate Court, Stanwade Metal Products and the Trumbull County Mental Health & Recovery Board.

The Advocate Award was given to The Cafaro Co. for its support of Reading Great by 8, Arconic for its work in encouraging young women to go into the STEM fields and Steve Chiaro for Warren City Schools’ support of United Way.

The Volunteer Award was presented to Mercy Health respiratory care manager Steve Pavlak, UAW 1112 communications’ Russell Sigworth and the Western Reserve Building Trades.

“All three of these recipients were recognized for having one thing in common, when it comes to volunteering, they give it their all and rally their troops to get the job done,” said United Way Executive Director Ginny Pasha is a release.

Finally, the Give, Advocate, and Volunteer Award was presented to Greenwood Chevrolet, Kent State University at Trumbull and Melissa Maki, marketing director for The Middlefield Banking Co.

Pictured:  Tim O’Hara, Vice President of UAW 1112; Ginny Pasha, President of United Way of Trumbull County;  Rick Demuynck, Plant Manager of General Motors Assembly Plant and John Walsh, United Way of Trumbull County Board Chairman at the United Ways annual award lunch May 17.