WARREN, Ohio — The Warren Farmers Market begins June 2 and will be held from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. each Tuesday through Oct. 6 in Courthouse Square here. Free parking is available in the Franklin Street parking deck.

The mission of the market, says Sheila Calko, is to provide resident of the Warren community greater access to local, fresh and healthful foods. Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership, in cooperation with Trumbull County Health Department’s Creating Healthy Communities, Mercy Health and the Lake-to-River Cooperative, sets up the market in Courthouse Square.

Calko is the manager of GROW for the neighborhood partnership and its farmers market.

The Warren Farmers Market accepts the Ohio Direction Card for SNAP/EBT benefits as well as credit and debit cards.

Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership is a nonprofit community development corporation that seeks to serve the neighborhoods of Warren, says its executive director, Matt Martin.