WARREN, Ohio — The Warren Philharmonic Orchestra is preparing to celebrate its 50th season with a fundraiser from 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 1 in Bazetta Township.

Tickets are $65 per person and the deadline is Friday.

Also, works of the 2014 Art in Music Contest winners are on display through Aug. 22 at the Trumbull Art Gallery here.

The orchestra’s Golden Anniversary Committee will hold the fundraiser through music and art during “An Evening of 50 Years of Music” outdoors at Cadobaz, the home of Dr. Farid Naffah, in Bazetta Township. Featured will be pianist Jack Ciarniello and vocalist Rodd Coonce. Catering will be provided by Café 422 with a cash bar.

The works of the 2014 Art in Music Contest winners’ exhibit is in the Window Gallery of the Trumbull Arts Group. Trumbull County students in grades 3 through 8 participated,

The 2015-2016 season subscription campaign has begun as has the sale of advertisements in the orchestra’s concert programs.

“Stories, Dances, Tricks & Treats!” is the theme of the Nov. 1 family concert. Soprano soloist Marian Vogel and the Westminster College Concert Choir will perform.

“Swing Into Spring!” is the theme for the April 17 concert, with Mighty Casey American rhythms, Ravel’s “Bolero,” a musical typewriter, and Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Thayer’s “Casey at the Bat” will feature Youngstown State University President Jim Tressel as narrator. Both concerts will be held at Christ Episcopal Church in Warren.

Orchestra concertmaster this season is Joseph Kromholtz, instructor of violin and viola at Youngstown State University’s Dana School of Music Susan Davenny Wyner, Warren Philharmonic music director and conductor.