WARREN, Ohio — Directors of the Raymond John Wean Foundation have approved grants totaling $187,861 in its third grant-making cycle of the year.
The grants reflect commitments in the foundation’s strategic priorities: community revitalization, economic opportunity, educational opportunity, including early childhood and public service leadership.
“From nurturing financial independence in youth to neighborhood beautification to code enforcement and blight remediation, we are working with our grantees and other partners to bring about sustainable change across the Mahoning Valley,” said Jennifer Roller, president of The Raymond John Wean Foundation, in a statement. “These projects are as diverse as the needs in our community and we are proud to invest in work that matters.”
The grants are as follows:
Junior Achievement of Mahoning Valley was awarded $57,861 over two years to further the reach of the I Can Save Program, which teaches financial literacy to students and families. Through this initiative, launched in 2011 and the first of its kind in the Mahoning Valley, student and family deposits are matched and saved for future post-secondary education or training, a business startup or home ownership.
Lien Forward Ohio Community Foundation was awarded $45,000 in support of the Mahoning County Land Bank’s post demolition greening efforts. These funds will leverage federal and local resources and partnerships, including constructive engagement with Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corp..
In partnership with Neighborhood SUCCESS and Leadership Program School Grants, the Turning Foundation Innovative Teacher Mini-Grant Program will leverage a $10,000 award to provide local teachers with funding. Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded to projects that connect creative and innovative practice to student achievement and school improvement and develop partnerships between schools, classrooms and community partners.
A $75,000 grant was awarded to Virginia Polytechnic and State University – Metropolitan Institute and the City of Youngstown to support the collaborative Code Enforcement Capacity Building Project, which will continue efforts to rebuild Youngstown’s code enforcement programs and policies and community outreach and awareness.
SOURCE: Raymond John Wean Foundation.