YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio –The Women in Entrepreneurship program of the Youngstown Business Incubator recently completed its We Create program with a graduation ceremony and the awarding of a $500 grant to two of its participants.
We Create is a four-week program for women entrepreneurs that offers four workshops and educational sessions to help women who are ready to enter the world of entrepreneurship but need help developing an idea, according to Tanisha Wheeler, YBI director of women and youth in Entrepreneurship.
Participants attended lectures and completed coursework pertaining to marketing strategy and tactics, basic accounting and audience research.
“WE Create is designed to prepare aspiring entrepreneurs for their future endeavors,”
Wheeler said. “At the end of WE Create, you’ll know if you are ready or not to be an entrepreneur, if the business idea is viable, and have a complete business model canvas to guide you to the next level of entrepreneurship.”
The program took place at BRITE Energy Innovators, 125 W. Market St., Warren.
At the conclusion, participants pitched their plan for creating their business for a chance to win a $500 grant to be used for marketing purposes. Lisha Salter, founder of LMS (Loving Myself), and Kimberly Omoregie, founder of Indaba bed and breakfast, were selected.
We Create was phase 1 of the program. Phase 2, We Launch, is currently accepting applications.
It will include 10 weeks of classes that teach the fundamentals of owning and operating a business. Its primary focus is to assist women who have started their own business but need assistance in launching their product into the market.
Apply at
Pictured at top: Lisha Salter, founder of LMS (Loving Myself); Kimberly Omoregie, founder of Indaba bed and breakfast; Tanisha Wheeler, director of Women and Youth Entrepreneurship; and Stephanie Gilchrist, director of the Minority Business Assistance Center at YBI.