YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Three Youngstown State University students received the Meritorious Honor award at the International Mathematical Contest in Modeling, placing them among the top 8% in the contest that featured more than 25,000 students worldwide.

On YSU’s top team was Gyaneshwar Agrahari, Subham Singh and Luke hetzel.

“This is a remarkable achievement by our students who have never been asked to solve such vaguely defined but important problems,” said Padraic Taylor, YSU professor of mathematics and statistics, in a statement. “Even more amazing is that they are all freshman.”

In total, YSU sent four teams to the contest, with the remaining three each winning Honorable Mention awards. The teams were:

  • • Yogesh Sapkota, Dipesh Bhandari and Prinshep Yadav.
  • • Bishal Lamichhane, Pradip Rimal and Bikash Thapa.
  • • Zhihan Li, Luke Pandy and Nishan Adhikan.

In the contest, three-person teams have 96 hours to develop a model, create a solution and submit a written report for math problem

“I am very impressed by the outstanding performance of our students and their eagerness to use mathematics to solve challenging real-world problems,” said Thomas Wakefield, chairman of the mathematics and statistics department at YSU. “We are very proud of our students and faculty that help prepare them.”