YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Tom Ziglar, a personal development and leadership expert, will speak at 2 p.m. Jan. 24 in Youngstown State University’s Williamson College of Business Administration, 221 N. Hazel St.

Ziglar has been surrounded by world-class leaders, innovators, and motivators for much of his life. Family dinner included the presence of the world’s top motivator, his father, Zig Ziglar. As a result, Ziglar’s arsenal of experience and information is unparalleled.

As CEO of Ziglar, Inc., Ziglar carries on the his family’s philosophy: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

Among Ziglar’s accomplishments are being a key collaborator with his father on his 30th book, “Born to Win,” and speaking around the world to billion-dollar companies, small business owners and academic institutions, including the University of Cambridge and Harvard University.

Ziglar’s greatest business triumphs are the result of bringing people to this elementary realization: “You are born to win, so go ahead and live to win:  You can have a life of success and significance and you can leave a legacy that will ripple through eternity.”

The Ziglar brand has exceeded four million likes on Facebook, while The Ziglar Show has become one of the top-ranked business podcasts.

The presentation is hosted by the Cliffe College of Creative Arts & Communication’s Department of Communication and the Williamson College of Business Administration. It is free to attend.

Pictured: Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar, Inc.