Marketing Intern, Gilbert’s Risk Solutions, Sharon, Pa. 

Is your business back to normal?

We are taking precautions to open the office back up to normal in a safe manner. We hope to have the office open to the public within the next month or so. We are excited to once again share a room with our clients to best help their needs.

What is your “new normal?”

Gilbert’s Risk Solutions has done a great job to adapt to the fast-changing environment that this last year has brought onto us. We are ecstatic with our team’s ability to quickly adapt to a remote working environment to best help our clients’ every need.

The new normal for Gilbert’s is looking like an in-office/remote work-life balance. We want our team to have the flexibility to work where they feel the most comfortable without affecting our clients.

This type of modular work system will be the best fit to increase the productivity of our team and to provide the best service to our clients.

How do you Rally Around Small Business and support the business community?

Gilbert’s is very proud of the community of which we are a part. It is one of our main goals to donate to and continually support our local community.

To help rally around small businesses, we just recently donated to six local businesses to help them during the tough year we have had. We also try to support local events on our social media pages to spread awareness.

We are actively searching and looking to support the community in any way we can.