Bill Nock, Registered Assistant/Paraplanner
Bury Financial Group, Boardman

Bill Nock is our team player at Bury Financial Group who never seems to have a bad day. He is always willing to drop what he is doing to help others.

In addition to being reliable, he makes the day fun with his dad jokes, singing and great sense of humor.

Professionally, Bill has over 20 years of experience in financial planning and customer service.

For the support staff, he’s our go-to guy when we need more details regarding rules and regulations in the industry.

When one of our team members needs to ask him a question, she will often say, “Teach me how to fish,” referring to the Chinese proverb (Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime).

In that regard, Bill is an excellent fisherman and teacher. He is patient and generous with his knowledge and his time.

Bury Financial Group is lucky to have him.

Nominated by Todd Bury and Brian Laraway