Mary Ann Daniels, Chief Executive Officer
Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission Inc., Mercer, Pa.

Mary Ann Daniels has dedicated her life to serving the public in child welfare, intellectual disabilities, mental health and substance abuse services. She not only cares about individuals who need service, but she is supportive of all the agency staff.

No matter what her hectic schedule demands, she takes the time to assist all staff with questions and always takes the time to personally check in and see how they are doing. Mary Ann is an inspiration to many of us. She’s not only dedicated to serving the public but listens when staff members have new ideas and identifies ways to make them reality. She’s forward-thinking and is always planning to ensure the agency is positioned to weather any storm. 

Mary Ann’s laughter is infectious and influences others to be positive despite difficult scenarios that she must negotiate on a daily basis.

Nominated by Tracy Bornick