COLUMBIANA, Ohio – Since he began working at the family business at age 13, Brandon Lamoncha has received help from the Small Business Administration, sometimes in unexpected ways.

When Hurricane Ian destroyed his home in Florida in 2022, Lamoncha and his wife didn’t know where to turn. “Lo and behold, who was there but the SBA Disaster Loan program to help us rebuild our home,” he said.

Lamoncha used the story to illustrate the value and breadth of SBA programs during a ceremony in which the U.S. Small Business Administration recognized Humtown Products as an SBA Legacy Business. The event took place at the company’s newly expanded plant in Leetonia.

“The SBDC has helped to show us what the opportunities are and helped us to become entrepreneurs,” Lamoncha told the crowd of about 100. “Without that Small Business Development Center, I don’t know if I’d be standing here today.”

Humtown, established in 1959, makes 3D printed and conventional sand molds for the foundry industry. It operates Humtown Additive and a more conventional manufacturing operation, Humtown Products, in Columbiana.

Humtown Additive is the largest provider of 3D sand printing in North America, said Brandon’s father, CEO Mark Lamoncha. “There are so many great ideas that die because they don’t have the opportunity to get help that’s available through the SBA,” he said.

In 2003, Humtown received a 10-year SBA loan, which Lamoncha said helped the company to survive the Great Recession in 2008, when its payroll went from 220 employees to 17.

He said the SBA is helpful for small businesses that are looking to develop emerging technologies, such as the 3D printed sand cores Humtown makes.

Community leaders joined state and local officials to celebrate the recognition of Humtown Products for its contributions to the local business landscape. Among those in attendance were Victor Parker, SBA deputy associate administrator, SBA Cleveland district director John Turner, and Patricia Veisz, director of the Ohio Small Business Development Center at Youngstown State University .

The SBA Legacy Business designation honors small businesses that have historically benefited from SBA resources during their formative stages, Parker said.

The Humtown award is part of a national celebration the SBA is holding in honor of its 70th anniversary. President Dwight Eisenhower formed the SBA on July 30, 1953, with the signing of the Small Business Act.

“As business owners and aspiring business owners, get to know your district office. We are your resource,” Parker said.

Since 2021, more than 12.2 million individuals have applied to start a small business. Among these are 369,389 new business entities in Ohio.

Brandon Lamoncha said all of them could benefit from SBA programs. “As a small business, you don’t know who to lean to. Now our first call is the SBDC.”

Pictured at top: Mark Lamoncha credits the SBA for his company’s growth and diversification.