The field of criminal justice is never static. Changes in national and global society and technology have the collateral effect of altering the manner in which the justice system operates. Employment in criminal justice not only requires an individual to know how to perform duties but a further understanding of why these endeavors are necessary and what the anticipated outcomes are to accomplish is imperative.
Such knowledge is achieved through an understanding of the criminal justice system, the building of critical-thinking skills to understand, analyze, and synthesize problems and topics, and through the development of writing and interpersonal communication skills.
In order to achieve these desired attributes, the Criminal Justice Program has been developed into an interdisciplinary course of study merging the liberal arts and technical studies into a well-balanced curriculum. A degree in criminal justice provides a foundation for employment in the criminal justice field, for continuation to a four-year degree-granting institution, and serves as a basis for advanced studies.
The core courses provide a basic understanding of the nature of and society’s reaction to crime as well as an in-depth explanation of the various components within the criminal justice system. The technically related electives offered in the program allow the student to take courses more specific to his or her area of concentration providing a well-rounded and academically enriching course of study.
Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:
• Identify and discuss the components of the justice system and recurring ethical issues.
• Compare and contrast the criminological explanations of crime and criminality.
• Describe the role, function, and responsibilities of American law enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels.
• Summarize the function of American corrections and organize the process of justice as it relates to correctional involvement.
• Explain the categories of laws, describe the elements of a crime, and discuss the constitutional rights afforded by the justice system
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