As businesses make the transition from the shutdown to being operational, some have made significant changes to their operations and the way they do business. Others, however, are doing things the way they’ve always done them “with just a little adjustment,” says Rob Palowitz, president and CEO of PALO Creative.

One such business is Neo3 Business Software Solutions in Canfield. As a consultant and service provider of business software, Neo3’s business was “only slightly impacted” by the pandemic, says owner Jim Rosenberg. One reason for that is Neo3 typically works with manufacturing and distribution, who were deemed essential businesses.

As more people work from home, customers are looking to Neo3 for help in setting up a remote work infrastructure via NetSuite. The pandemic was an “eye-opening experience” for many of the company’s customers, he says, particularly among customers on the Sage platform who said “we’re not as agile or ready for these types of things as we want to be,” he said.

“A lot of our existing Sage customers and some of our prospects that we’ve been working with for a while are really looking more toward the cloud and focusing on getting the ability to work remotely,” he says.

From manufacturing to retail, having a core database accessible from anywhere via one solution versus multiple solutions is a “winning proposition, especially in times when you have to work remote,” he says.

And with increasing numbers of businesses offering products via online retailers, such as Amazon, having the right solution to integrate with that system is ideal. With NetSuite, that’s called multichannel or omni-channel, Rosenberg says.

“We’re able to connect with website and all the channels: eBay, Shopify, Amazon. You name it,” he says. “It’s all brand new sales opportunities for many of our customers out there.”

For more on remote work software and what Neo3 sees moving forward, watch the latest installment of Gameplan for Growth, posted above.