Administrative Staff
Schroedel, Scullin & Bestic, Canfield

When you call or visit SSB, members of our administrative team are the first voice you hear or face you see. Our administrative specialists make your coffee and make sure you’re comfortable when you visit. They work behind the scenes, ensuring our processes are running smoothly.

The team takes care of our building, our supplies, our equipment – they take care of us so we can take care of our clients. They provide support with a smile, kind words and enthusiasm. They are dedicated and loyal. They are the SSB administrative team, and they make SSB a great place to work.

Nominated by Tracie Stephens

Pictured at top: The SSB administrative team, from left: Amy Klenec, administrative and accounting specialist; Janet Smith, administrative specialist; Julie Miller, firm administrator; Alicia Mansky, senior administrative specialist; Audra Stackpole, administrative specialist, and Shelly Phipps, administrative specialist.